A review by bart154ce
Zero Hour by Will Hill


This review first appeared on my blog Bart's Bookshelf.

Well that was exhausting! I spent most of the book worrying about what was going to happen next. With good reason it turns out, (very good reason), because Will Hill has no compunctions about doing the dirty to characters his readers know and love.

I almost always find it difficult to review middle books in a series, trilogies aren’t too bad, but longer series… Trying to find something new and different to say is not the easiest thing. As I think is clear in my review of Battle Lines, which I really don’t think did it justice.

What I can say is though, the first Department 19 was brilliant, and Will Hill has raised the bar with each following book. The last part of Zero Hour, was one of the most fraught reading experiences I’ve had in many years.

God knows what Darkest Night is going to do to me.