A review by mattyswytla
Finnish Lessons: What Can the World Learn from Educational Change in Finland? by Pasi Sahlberg


I'll save you some very dry and repetitive reading by suggesting you go directly to chapter 5 of the book (the last one) and you'll get all the relevant info in a nicely condensed form with some helpful ideas for the future development of education.

The rating isn't lower because the author argues for a different approach to education than a strictly competetive one where teachers and students are constantly graded and ranked, which does not help to actually improve student learning, but only pushes teachers to focus on exams. Smaller classes and specialised help in class for students with special needs is sound logic as well.

I already see some of the ideas the author describes in Finnish schools implemented in my own country - Slovenia. We haven't gone all the way (with no numerical marks until grade 10), but there's certainly a larger focus on student learning than exam results. My didactics professor couldn't shut up about the Finns anyway, so lots of information here was familiar to me.