A review by katiecatbooks
A Distant Heart by Sonali Dev


India. Romance. Action.

Story: Rahul (m) and Kimi (f) have an unusual relationship. Friends since teenagers and from opposite social economic statuses, Kimi has been sick her whole life and Rahul has always been there for her, as friend and supporter. And now a terrorist is on the loose and after Kimi, and no one knows why. It's up to Rahul, who is a cop, to find out why...all the while sorting out his feelings for Kimi.

Language: This book is told in overlapping timelines and from the perspective of three characters, all in third person. While it was done well, personally it didn't work for me. The overlapping timelines made the book predictable, while the multiple narrators gave away the story. While this book has lots of (cheesy) cop action, it has zero suspense. The book also has many foreign words, many of which are not explained or take half the book to explain. Glossary, please.

Characters: Kimi is around 20 years old and has lived most of her life in a literal bubble. She comes across as intelligent yet naiive, which is believable, but then her physical descriptions make no sense. Rahul comments about for example, her attractive legs, but wouldn't they be quite unhealthily weakened in appearance from never having any exercise or being outdoors? Suspension of disbelief fail.

While I like stories set in India and featuring Indian characters and culture, this one did not work for me. Overly cheesy, predictable and complete lack of suspense. I would give the author another chance, as long as there was no action/thriller to the story.