A review by elturko64
Batman/Elmer Fudd Special #1, by Lovern Kindzierski, Carrie Strachan, Tom King, Lee Weeks, Byron Vaughns


Oh my goodness. If you told me years ago that I would love a cross over between Elmer Fudd and Batman I would've said your crazy. Whelp I guess I'm crazy. This is a noir story through and through. And it's way better than it has any right to be. I don't want to go into the plot because its surprisingly full of twists and turns for one issue. The art was also a stand out. It was grimy and dark and it had the perfect blend of shadowing that made me feel like I was in Gotham. Finally seeing the Looney Tune cast as Gotham criminals was fantastic. A must read issue for not only batman fans but for Noir fans as well. Its goofy and silly yet at the same time I couldn't put this down. Incredible.