A review by bookwormlukas
Demon Eyes by Scott Tracey


If Romeo and Juliet were gay....and witches.

This was a much better sequel to the original 'Witch Eyes'. My problems with that novel were that it showed potential and promise, yet never really capitalised on it. The lore felt interesting, but underdeveloped, the characters were interesting, but not interesting enough to stand out etc. Everything was very 'meh', and it left me wondering whether I should read the sequel.

After finishing the sequel though, I can say that I'm glad I stuck with it. It still has it's issues and it will never be one of the 'great' series, but overall this was a much more thought out and developed effort. A bigger novel than the first and the fact that it's already established the world leads this entry into being more or less one magical fight scene romp after another. The fight scenes themselves have also improved, with a bit more suspense thrown in, and more detail about Braden's actual powers, at least I wasn't confused as much this time around. The romance between Braden and Trey continues to be interesting, and non-sappy which is appreciated, especially considering the Romeo and Juliet theme the book is based upon.

There are still some faults however, the cast of characters could do with a bit of a culling. Riley's connection to the storyline for instance seemed stupid, and as if the author needed a hostage for later in the novel (or it could just be that I find her rather annoying).

Overall though, a decent follow up to a so-so debut, but this series has definitely avoided middle book-itus and is leaving me looking forward to Phantom Eyes. If you're looking for a gay themed YA novel, you could do far worse, trust me.