A review by rdpulfer
Dceased: Hope at World's End by Tom Taylor


If there's one thing I like about Tom Taylor's DCeased, it's that none of the books feel like inessential or cheap. Every book feels like a must-have (and a must-buy) - and DCeased: Hope at World's End is no exception. For the most part, Hope at World's End fills in the various time gaps in of the DCeased timeline between the first volume and Unkillables. It mostly shows the emerging new Trinity of Damian Wayne, Jon Kent and Cassie Sanders while also highlighting new characters, such as Jimmy Olson and Black Adam. And like the rest of DCeased, it packs an emotional punch, as it shows the Justice League fighting what is essentially a losing battle to save the planet. Despite this, this might be the most optimistic of the volumes so far. If there is one downside, it's that some of the art styles work better than others. All of them are clearly competent illustrators, but some are better suited for the apocalyptic nature of the story than other. Still, it's a fantastic read and a must-have for fans of the series.