A review by khayes0525
Doctor Who: The Bodysnatchers by Mark Morris


I saw some very negative reviews floating around about this book, honestly, I thought it was just fine. I didn't enjoy it as much as Vampire Science, the EDA that proceeds The Bodysnatchers, but as Eighth Doctor stories go, this one was pretty good. Not much actually happens in the story, which seems to be a common point folks bring up when ragging on the book, and in all fairness, they're right. This book's conflict is not very deep and had a very simple solution. There's no lasting damage, no ripples in the relationship between Sam and the Doctor...nothing. I will say, though, that the Doctor is very well characterized in this story, and his relationship with Litefoot and fleshed out and fun to experience. Sam is quite annoying as usual, but that's to be expected, I suppose.

Not a bad read by any means, but there are better Eighth Doctor stories out there, for sure.