A review by kstring
The Coddling of the American Mind: How Good Intentions and Bad Ideas Are Setting Up a Generation for Failure by Greg Lukianoff


Fascinating perspective that I found myself agreeing with.

Some takeaways I had:
- The world is safer than it was in the 70s/80s, so let kids play outside or do small errands!
- The ratio of liberal-to-conservative professors has gone from 7:1 to 17:1 (or something like that) in recent years and so students are gaining an us-vs-them mentality and not being properly told what conservatives represent or believe because they're missing those interactions
- Be charitable and assume people mean the best: avoid microagression (a university employee was forced to resign after she used the word "mold" in an email and the student started a movement against her)
- Let people have their agency. Let the speaker come on campus, especially if they have a controversial viewpoint, and people can either take it with a grain of salt or choose not to come. Perhaps queue up speakers who have different points of view on the same subject? Universities are places where you can learn to think for yourself and gain new perspectives.
- Avoid safety-ism. Don't implement a rule for kids not to touch fresh snow in the rare case that they end up making a snowball and throw it at another kid and it has a rock in it and it hits the other kids face.
- Limit screen time to less than 2 hours per day.