A review by caitdamp
The Casquette Girls by Alys Arden


I think I first saw this book mentioned in a review by Parajunkee’ View a little while back, and I just knew I had to read it! The main reason I picked up this book was it’s based in New Orleans, and it’s one my favorite cities, I go at least once a year. And only in New Orleans could a hurricane correlate with vampires ha ha. Going into this book I was excited knowing it had every thing I love in a book, New Orleans, vampires, witches, and humor.

I instantly fell in love with this book, because I felt that I could relate to it. The book it about a girl, Adele, and her father returning to New Orleans after a major hurricane hit. They come back to help aid their community and try to get back to normal. However, nothing is normal, especially since Adele notices she has a strange power and people are ending up dead through out the city, devoid of blood. There are also some new, mysterious residents lurking in the French Quarter.

Being from Mississippi I got all the southern cultural hints. I also lived through hurricane Katrina, which they don’t name in the book but it can easily be assumed, and that hit home for me. Even though I lived more in the central of the state. I saw the destruction and remember when our school was flooded with refugee students from the coast.

What I Liked:

I really liked the main character Adele, she was funny and witty. And all of the characters are very unique and likeable. They include, witches, vampires, artists, and distinctly New Orleans Locals. There are even 1700s characters from the past, such as the casquette girls and an aristocrat named Adeline. I loved how the story went back and forth from present day to the 1700s via a dairy, it always seemed like a really smooth transition. The past characters were just as relatible as the present ones, and I have to give brownie points for one of the main characters being name Adeline. That’s my little sister’s name, and it’s not one you hear often. Although, I don’t know I feel about the constant use of french. I liked it because it is fun and brings you deeper into the story and makes feel more authentic, but it wasn’t translated and I feel liked I missed something because I don’t speak French. And I was too lazy to constantly look it up as I read.

What I Didn’t Like:

I didn’t like how nonchalant she was when she was discovering her powers though. If even one of those things happened to me I would be Freaking out!! I was also a little disappointed with the description of the fight between the casquette girls and vampires. The author just throws you in and it felt a bit rushed. Lastly, I was not big fan of the love triangle going on between Adele, Nicco, and Issac. It was kind of confusing for me, as was the relationship between Adeline and Gabe. I couldn’t tell if they liked each other or were enemies, the whole relationship between all of them was murky.

For the full review and more book reviews check out my blog HERE