A review by sarah42783
Lazarus: Sourcebook Collection Volume 1 by Dave Walker, Robert MacKenzie, David Brothers, Eric Trautmann, Greg Rucka, Neal Bailey, Gareth-Michael Skarka


Well this was pretty shrimping good for a book about Super Extra Dense Stuff (SEDS™) I never knew I wanted to know about the world of Lazarus in general, and the Carlyle, Hock and Vassalovka families in particular.

Holy stinking fish, the author did such a splendiferous job here that it almost feels like you're reading a history/geopolitics book about um, you know, real history/geopolitics, and not about, um, you know, a slightly dystopian and somewhat a little screwed-up (albeit quite deliciously scrumptious) world. Most stunningly fantabulous this is. Mr Rucka, my murderous children and my little nefarious self gleefully click ours pincers in your honor. Well-deserved it is indeed.

Okay, so because this volume is so very extremely detailed and factual and sometimes reads like a heavy-duty encyclopedia, I ended up feeling a little like this:

Do not worry your little selves, for my little head grew back after this most unexpected incident, and I am quite deliriously happy to report that my two ever-decaying grey cells were not much affected. So yay and stuff.

But hey, moderately painful headaches aside, this is still brilliant stuff and fascinating stuff and rich stuff and complex stuff, so QED. And stuff.

Nefarious Last Words (NLW™): not reading this volume affect your Lazarus experience will probably not, and better suited for hardcore shrimps Lazarus fans it probably is. But a most enlightening read it happens to be. So strongly consider perusing it you should. You're welcome and stuff.

Chronological Reading Order:
· Volume 1: Family ★★★★
· Volume 2: Lift ★★★
· Volume 3: Conclave ★★★★
· Volume 4: Poison ★★★★
· Volume 5: Cull ★★★★★
· Lazarus X+66 (side stories about supporting characters) ★★★★
· Fracture: Prelude 1 (issue #27, digital format only