A review by therealbookedandfrizzy
Beasts of Prey by Ayana Gray


“You should never apologize for being who you are,” he murmurs. “Or make yourself small so that others feel big.”

I am definitely someone who has to be pulled into fantasy from the very beginning in order to stay with it without getting bored with the world-building. THIS book had me by page 55!

Our main character, Koffi, is just ✨black girl magic✨ in every way and I love that she is depicted as someone who takes charge and knows what she wants. Even in that, she has a few insecurities about who she is and I really enjoyed seeing her freed from that in a lot of ways. I also really enjoyed Ekon’s storyline and the journey of him breaking out of the expectations placed on him by external forces.

I don’t want to say too much and spoil it, but I picked up on the major twists about 1/2 way through the book and it didn’t ruin anything for me. This was such a feel-good read and I’ll definitely be picking up the next one!