A review by brionyjn
Goldenhand by Garth Nix


While this is a wonderful read, there's definitely a touch of anti-climax; after all, the previous (chronological) book had Sabriel, Lirael and co literally stopping the end of the world, it's difficult to get bigger and better than that. Instead, Nix focuses on the repercussions of the events of Abhorsen, with the particularly welcome return of Lirael, who was far and away my favourite character of the original trilogy. While the primary antagonist of the book was incredibly obvious from the blurb, it does give Nix the opportunity to tie the entire series together quite satisfyingly, though in a way that feels a little rushed, especially compared to the slow set up of the first half of the book. Despite small pacing issues, it was wonderful to return to characters I have loved for so many years!

The passage that corresponds to the ending of The Creature in the Case is particularly delightful, reading the two points of view side by side!

(I would note:
Spoilerthe continuing reliance on the Clayr failing to See some upcoming disaster is getting a little worn, especially with their general lack of self awareness about their own limitations. I suppose this is the problem with clairvoyant characters in general though, and there is at least something of an in-universe set up acknowledging it