A review by kylielace
The Darkest Hour, by Erin Hunter


I never thought I would enjoy this series, The Prophecies Begin, as much as I did. I only read them because they are one of my brothers favorite books and we made a deal if I read this he would read The Raven Cycle and A Song of Ice and Fire lol.

A series about cats living in the forest. They are easy and quick reads, but also very entertaining. Also pretty bloody and the fights are probably my favorite parts to read about. The mystery of Starclan is cool to finally learn more about. Looking forward to what happens in the next series, The New Prophecy.

Tigerstar’s death was very shocking to me. All throughout the series he is the big bad and then in 2 paragraphs he is gone - killed by a rouge cat we just get introduced to. It set up the big fight perfectly