A review by arisbookcorner
Efrain's Secret by Sofia Quintero


Efrain's Secret at times seems to have too much going on. The author juggles lots of smaller stories, but the end result while a bit unbelievable is satisfying. There is a dramatic climax that is both expected and unexpected and the ending is not devastating, but it's not either. It's left open as it should be. The multiple stories of Efrain, his family, Nestor and Candace make this novel better and more unique. The story is never a depressing drag, after all it focuses on guys and their conversations are usually pretty funny :) I do think the author was too heavy handed in explaining the college process, but it's important for people to know and if teens aren't learning about how to apply for college from their school counselors than I hope a book like this becomes an indirect resource. The SAT vocab word that heads each chapter is a nice touch.

The characters are all great. Nestor drops out of high school and begins seling drugs to take care of his family, he's funny and really smart. He knows lots of random facts. Candace is a girl Efrain is interested in and she has quite a story. She is a survivor of Hurricane Katrina, her family moved up to the Bronx after the hurricane hit. At first I was confused as to who she was living with (her mother, Mrs. Lamb and her aunt Ms. Lamb), but other than that her story is a great addition to the plot. Candace talks about why people didn't feel the need to leave New Orleans when they heard about the upcoming hurricane and she talks about the chaos that occurred afterward. Reading about the relationship between Candace and Efrain was one of the most delightful parts of the story. They have secrets but they are loyal to each other and they respect each other. In reading about their relationship all I could think about was 'where can I find a guy like Efrain?' Lol (I also wanted to know where I could find a teacher like Senorita Polanco).