A review by thebumblegirl
Eleanor by Johnny Worthen


This book is definitely not what it appears to be, just like it's main character - the author has woven together a mind blowing story about a girl who is learning to cope and live with who she is and accept the good and the bad that happens along the way...

When we first meet Eleanor she is a timid, average, lonely girl who purposefully goes out of her way to remain unseen, to never draw attention to herself, to get by without being noticed. She lives alone with her sick mother, Tabitha, in a small cottage within walking distance of her school, but far away enough from the town to not be noticed. They depend on each other in more ways than one can imagine - Tabitha haves cancer and Eleanor does everything she can to take of her and manages the house, money, food, etc; Eleanor does anything that she has to do in order to keep the social worker at bay so they can live peacefully together, alone. Tabitha is the only mother figure Eleanor has really known and depends on her to help her cope with her feelings, how to handle school and social situations and to keep her calm and feel secure so she won't be the monster that she thinks she is, so she won't run away...

The beginning of Eleanor's story was a little confusing to me. I had started reading the story not knowing much than what is in the summary. There was something strange with Eleanor's demeanor and character, and not until her childhood friend, David, comes back to town triggering underlying emotions which then creates some pivotal moments in Eleanor's quiet life which then leads to her making certain decisions and slipping up and slowly revealing her secrets... Eleanor haves a paranormal ability, one that makes her think that she's a monster; an ability that her biological family had that got them killed many, many years ago. After that revelation, Eleanor's story and demeanor started to make sense and then the book became a page-turner that I read in one night!

As Eleanor continues to struggle with what is right and wrong in order survive and to continue to hide her secret in a small town that is quick to judge and believe rumors, her life is torn apart and she has some really hard and graphic moments to get through. With the help of her mother and David, she barely remains grounded and the monster within her roars to take flight.

This is a book that is best to go into without knowing much. I will not deny that the beginning and parts of the ending are quite confusing, but after finishing and having time to reflect, it is truly one of the best written stories I have read in a long time. I will definitely be looking forward to rereading the beginning of Eleanor's story and continuing on with the trilogy.

An ARC was sent by the publisher for an honest review. All thoughts are my own.