A review by yessikachu
Sandman Slim by Richard Kadrey


the casual usage of slurs is not only unnecessary (see: unaddressed. does not touch on ableism or homophobia at all. brought up solely because it is within kadrey’s ability to do so.) but also out of context. it wasn’t triggered out of him in a fit of bigoted rage. it was just there on the tip of his tongue. there were literally no reason to bring up the f or the r slur but stark just do it because he can.
what stark can’t do however is actually be fucking for real. the man can slip away to anywhere he wants but gets kidnapped on multiple occasions? ok. so we’re just fucking lying. like yeah it’s great that he steals porsche 911 and im all for it if you can afford a porsche 911 you can afford to have it stolen. my problem is this motherfucker acting like he so cool when he is a dumpster fire. stark when he claims to be skilled in combat and stark when he spends 40% of the book bleeding and near death from constant combatant failures and getting vidocq killed and beheading kasbian yet still managed to lose him 🫵🤡 and running head first into traffic at the sight of the man he seeks revenge upon like a headless chicken only to fail pathetically and waste several chapters trying to think when he clearly has proven himself incapable of thinking and bringing a fucking taser to what he knew was going to be gunpoint and getting a knife under the chin for walking into enemy territory with no info to protect himself whatsoever as if he did not just bleed out the majority of his blood supply like can this man actually be so fucking serious.
blah blah im skilled in combat blah blah like are we sure because combat requires critical thinking skills i don’t think any angel mojo could bestow this man. he doesn’t need a lobotomy. the definition of a lobotomy is a mugshot of this man from his time in hell. keep your alt right crap to yourself and stay there. absolute clownery. 
speaking of this piece of crap main character what even the fuck is this man on about with the aryan wet dream?! 🫵🔪. just say you’re racist and die immediately. have you not dragged it out enough? put us both out of our misery and kill yourself. but of course in true white men fashion this motherfucker gotta yap for like ten more books. for why?! bro got literally three thoughts in his brain. an amoeba has more character than stark ever stood a chance.
plus i don’t even think stark loved alice in any manner that was to her benefit. she seems to be this crutch upon which he relied for emotional consumption and misses what he no longer has and revenge to him ultimately is not even about her. just some pathetic excuse to justify her death, his maltreatment of her beforehand and the thirst for violence. like he should have stayed in the fucking burning other dimension and leave the living the fuck alone.
speaking of leaving shit alone why did this man spend his time shitting on lolita clothing like he got the fucking right? man look at yourself. you’re a pathetic dying sick man who’s entire life has been a losing game. go to hell or heaven or literally wherever. just go away.
and on the topic of bitches that needs to be put the fuck away can carlos actually shut his fucking mouth. he was cool then suddenly he be all women only call when they want something blah blah bro shut the fuck up. what do you even got anyway? what can you, learned sir, give a woman that she can’t give herself 🤨. be fucking for real.
that’s what every character and richard kadrey himself needed to be. for real and serious. because this? this was a fucking joke. i could have written something better when i was thirteen and as a matter of fact, i did. the difference between richard and i is that i am not a white man who feels his every psychobabble needed to be on the shelf.