A review by dja777
The Bitch in the House: 26 Women Tell the Truth about Sex, Solitude, Work, Motherhood, and Marriage by Cathi Hanauer


I realize that my life (adjusted easily into marriage, had two even-tempered children, was happy to be a SAHM, etc.) wouldn't fit very well into this particular book of essays, but I couldn't help looking askance at some of the women represented in there. There were some interesting insights, but some of these women just seemed to make life harder for themselves than they needed to. Again, it may be that this book was by and for different people than the person that I am. Almost all of them were professional writers and/or editors, and a large majority were in therapy for multiple years, neither of which I have any experience with. There were a few essays where I found myself muttering, "Oh, get over yourself already!"

The essays were quite readable, some were very touching, and I would be interested in discussing the book with someone for whom it was more personally meaningful.