A review by sheltzer
The Spook Lights Affair by Marcia Muller, Bill Pronzini


Sabina Carpenter has been hired to keep an eye on a young debutante who her parents suspect is carrying on a dalliance with an unsuitable young man. While at a party, the girl appears to commit suicide and Sabina must work on clearing her name and restoring her reputation.

Meanwhile, John Quincannon is attempting to find burglars who robbed Wells, Fargo so he can collect a $3000 reward. Towards the end, the two detectives find that their cases intersect.

Unfortunately, that does not mean that they work together. I think the book is at its best when Sabina and John are in the same room, but that only happens for 20 pages or so. I'm guessing due to how the authors are writing the novel. Because they are never together, their dynamic is never quite fleshed out.

I may be done with this series. It's lacking a sparkle that other books have and there's too many books I want to read and not enough free time during the day.