A review by carolpk
There Was an Old Woman by Hallie Ephron


I heard Hallie Ephron speak at The Big Book Club Getaway at Mohegan Sun as part of a mystery panel a few weeks ago. I knew the name Ephron from having read Hallie's sister Nora's books. Hallie mentions this too, almost like she's the other Ephron. Actually there are more Ephron women but that's another story. This Ephron immediately hooked me with her synopsis of her soon (April 2nd) to be published book. I had to get my hands on it quick. Thank you William Morrow for providing an e-galley.

[b:There Was an Old Woman: A Novel of Suspense|15818191|There Was an Old Woman A Novel of Suspense|Hallie Ephron|http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1350314468s/15818191.jpg|21545799]is a mystery but not of the usual sort. It is more a look at aging and how we care-take our elders, be it relations or neighbors. It's a glimpse of mental illness, memory loss, bilking of the aged, topics that are far more serious than the light mystery presented.

Evie Ferrente is busy with the final touches on an exhibit of a historical fire in which a plane hits the Empire State Building in the 40's. Not the time to have to take care of her mother, an alcoholic, hospitalized yet again. It's Evie's turn according to her sister and Evie down right resents the responsibility. After all, it's her mother's fault she's in this predicament To make matters worse, when Evie arrives at her mother's home it is a disaster, a dirty, stinking, hard to be believed, hoarders mess. How did it get this way in a just a few months? As Evie starts to clean out the house readying it to bring her mom home, she finds some strange, completely out of place items, like a big screen tv, top shelf liquor, money, things her mother couldn't afford. Then there's the neighbor, Mina, who Evie forms a strong bond. She's a delightful older woman who is having periods of forgetfulness. Mina's nephew suggests she move to an assisted living center. Mina and we, the reader, immediately wonder at his good intentions. These are the mysteries but as originally stated there is much more going on here.

Ephron describes her setting of The Bronx neighborhood, Higgs Point as "a few facts fueling a lot of fiction". For anyone growing up in this area the book would be a winner.

I liked the background history in this novel and the characters. I'm definitely going to try another Hallie Ephron book.