A review by steph1rothwell
Dead in the Water, by Matthew Costello, Neil Richards


Dead in the Water is the first full length novel in the Cherringham series. Previously Sarah and Jack’s adventures had taken place in a series of monthly mysteries. I have never read any of these but on the strength of this novel I will be doing so. I really enjoyed it.
On the press release it is likened to Midsomer Murders, the long running very unbelievable detective series on British TV. I preferred this novel. I found the main characters convincing and likeable, Sarah especially. A single parent whose children were reaching the age where everything becomes a battle.
The main theme of the novel must be every parent’s nightmare, that of drugs being found on school premises and then a suspicious death linked to that find. Despite the theme there are no gory details in the novel. It does remain very much in the ‘cosy crime’ genre, showing that it is possible to read and enjoy a story without every grim detail.
There are a few discussions about previous cases, but no spoilers so if like me you want to read the short stories published previously. It’s a very good novel, I have struggled with cosy crime novels previously but this will be a series that I will follow.

With thanks to the publisher for the copy received.