A review by darwin8u
Pale Gray for Guilt by John D. MacDonald


"In all emotional conflicts, dear girl, the thing you find the hardest to do is the thing you should do."
-- John D. MacDonald, Pale Gray for Guilt


A good solid Travis McGee romp. MacDonald's novels, like his titles, don't stray from his themes very far. But like a seafood restaurant you know well, and go to for its quality and execution, the Travis McGee novels are well-executed variations on the same themes: revenge, woman-in-peril, etc.

This one is focused on revenge. Travis along with his trusty economist Sancho Panza seeks to get even with a conspiracy of men who have done a bad deed to an old friend. McGee is challenged in this novel because he is doing his job, but for a friend. As he says, "Strangers make the best clients. Then I can play the odds and stay cold. Here I'm too emotionally hung up. I'm too angry, too sick at heart."

This isn't his best. I'd recommend it to those who love MacDonald and are looking for a bit of escape. If you aren't a hardcore John MacDonald fan, I'd skip this one.