A review by isabellarobinson7
Dune: the Graphic Novel, Book 1 by Brian Herbert


Rating: 4 stars

Woah. This is really Dune graphic novel. Not like a Dune graphic novel adaption. It's like Frank Herbert's Dune the novel went into a transporter and something malfunctioned and it came out a comic.

I loved the art in this. Particularly Lady Jessica, she was bootiful. (What am I saying? I actually said "bootiful". Like a prepubescent child. Ok, let's just go with it.) Here are two pages with Jessica on them:
I also liked how they drew Paul, as in the artists didn't try to mimic the look of a certain actor slated to portray him in an upcoming adaptation (well, "upcoming" when this graphic novel was in development anyway). No matter how hard I try, I just cannot get Timothy Chamalamabingbong in my head when I think of Paul. Ok, other characters. Well, Leto looked fine, but any white middle aged man would have suited, and the Baron looked like a fat old dude (as he should).

And then we have the worms. THE WORMS!!! They needed their own paragraph because they are that amazing. Because this is only the first half of the Dune novel, we only really get one worm appearance, but it was AWESOME! I need to put a picture here because WOAH!
Look at that majestic creature! The lightning! That mouth! Those TEETH! I was eagerly anticipating their arrival and these artists did not disappoint.

Ok one more picture, there is this cool one of Arrakis:

Now I'm done. Review over.