A review by nouranato
The Trouble with Perfect by Helena Duggan


“If you can instal fear in a person, it will build anger. Give them a reason for their fear and you can direct their anger, thereby controlling them”

Mhmm how can I say this without sounding completely upset ? This book did not live to the first one at all. I used to like Violet a lot but her reactions and words/speech in this one wasn’t any good; she was actually pretty annoying. Boy wasn’t much better either —although he was much better than Violet, I couldn’t stand her most of the time now— I loved the idea of the book. Was kinda shocked by how it ended too; the one we lost and the one we couldn’t get back —if you know what I mean—.

I guess I still liked it though I got to see more of the other characters, new mysteries. It was kinda brilliant but it was really ruined by the dialogues, way pushed and way out of place especially with Violet. I guess I still liked it though I gave it 3 stars (I’m literally upset that I have it 3 stars)

I will be starting the finale book soon so I hope it’s better than this one; I’m not saying it has to be like the first book or anything I just want it to be good and for Violet to be less annoying.