A review by alhara
Diet for a Hot Planet: The Climate Crisis at the End of Your Fork and What You Can Do about It by Anna Lappé, Bill McKibben


Yet another book on eating right for the environment? Yes! But this one covered topics that have been so far in my readings left out of other books, such as, for one example, an in-depth discussion of 'greenwashing' metehods and how to recognize them.

When I got this book I really wasn't in the mood to delve into a dry, lengthy non-fiction so I planned to browse it out of order. Well I looked into the 'how to read this book' section and it encouraged me to do just that.

I actually read the summary diet advice at the end first and found it to be really good advice. I felt it really gave you a good set of guidelines to make better choices.

Then I read through various topics as I was interested, and thought it had a lot of great info.