A review by readingwithhippos
Disclaimer by Renée Knight


I had such a hard time putting Disclaimer down, it might as well have been glued to my hands. Catherine Ravenscroft, a middle-aged mom and wife, starts reading a book from the pile on her nightstand, with the slow-dawning realization that the book is about her. Specifically, an event in her past she has kept secret for years. Now, someone is taunting her with the story, threatening to upend her marriage, her career—everything she's worked so hard to build.

I thought I knew where the book was going, and I was a little uncomfortable with how close it came to slut-shaming territory—but, trying not to be too spoilery here, my predictions were wrong. Disclaimer analyzes how our perception of the truth and the truth itself don’t always line up, and how secrets have a way of festering over the years if they’re tamped down under a layer of shame.

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