A review by juniperd
The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck


okay, so probably people who love this book are gonna hate on me for the 2-star rating. i am sorry about that. i did really want to like this book because, PEARL BUCK. but i don't know...i just didn't dig it that much. it was fine. i am glad i have now read it. but what this book did do, which i appreciate very much, was to make me want to learn more about buck and seek out nonfiction about the time she writes about in china.

with the good earth, i just couldn't get into the flow of buck's writing. i found it stilted and choppy. i wanted to feel some ache from the sadnesses or annoyance over the shenanigans in the tale but i didn't feel anything while reading. maybe i am broken? heh. (i doubt it. i tend to feel all the feelings.) but the fact the novel caused no reaction in me is telling. and it bummed me out. my reaction to the lack of reaction was the most emotion evoked from the read. oops!