A review by readwithchloev
The Summer of Broken Rules by K.L. Walther


When am I ever gonna learn that I almost never love books I have hyped up in my head?

This was so promising. SO PROMISING. The setting is immaculate; the summer vibes, the huge family unit (too many names though, super confusing) all the activities, and of course the game of assassin was amazing. I was fully expecting this to be a five star read. How wrong I was.

I think when you include a game of assassin as a main plot device, it kinda makes sense that the live interests would be enemies to lovers, right? Was this an enemies to lovers book? No. It was insta love. Insta love literally almost immediately after the FMC gets dumped by her long term boyfriend. So not only did it just not make sense at all, but it turned the FMC into a desperate mess.

Mere followed Wit around like a lost puppy, all while abandoning her pals and being the shittiest friend ever. Like surely nobody has that little self awareness? She was an AWFUL friend and it put me right off. She was so childish and literally went all in with this rando after knowing him for 30 seconds.

I know a lot of people freaked out at all the Taylor Swift references but honestly they just started to cringe me out. One final thing? I would’ve loved a map in this book, and a sacrifice of a few characters because the fact that you need a family tree at the start and that’s not even half the characters says a lot!!

All in all, super promising premise just not for me. This one’s more for younger readers I feel