A review by calistareads
Addie on the Inside by James Howe


I love this series of the Misfits James Howe has put together. This is a group of friends who are sort of the outcast in 7th grade. What I appreciate is that each story, so far, is told from a different character and told in a way unique to them. Bobby was told like a normal novel, Joe was told like a homework diary project and Addie is told in poetry.

What I love is that James Howe has done his research. He takes just about every kind of poetry you can find and he uses it to effect sharing Addie's different emotions. There is Haiku and 8 word, 4 lines poetry and verse and anything you can think up. He uses it in specific ways. I loved it.

I felt like the poetry heightened the emotional impact of the story. The story about Addie is a simple story of standing up in school and being who you want to be verses fitting in or trying to balance those things.

I love the character of Addie. She is a strong and confident person who stands up for her beliefs even when it isolates her. Her stance, helps those kids who are shy and uncertain of who they are. I was that kid growing up and it was the Addie's in school who gave me a safe wing to shelter under that helped me get through junior high. Junior high is simply the worst. It was brutal, talk about survival.

This book also showcases Addie's doubts and struggles. She isn't just a strong leader and warrior. She has problems and aches and pains. It's nice to see that she is human. Her Grandma visits her and it's hard on her when she goes as that is the person to really support her. She is dealing with an unstable relationship with 2 stubborn people in it. It's all junior high drama, but very well done, in my opinion.

One problem with standing up for other people, is that other kids can lump you in with that group. Addie stands up for her queer friends and students and so people put her in that group as well and she isn't.

I never had the guts Addie had and I admire someone who is willing to speak up and stand up for what they believe. I was too scared to speak up back then, to be a target and I had to be called on to speak in class and I rarely gave an opinion. I was the wallflower. I admire those that speak out and share even if they will be made fun off. I need a reminder of the people like Addie in the world as I realize that I am sort of back in those old patterns that didn't help me. I need to find my voice again and grow my inner Addie.

This book was just what I needed right now. It's excellent.