A review by books_coffee_rlife
Impulse by Dannika Dark


This the first time I wrote a review after reading the whole series until it’s next book releases, so I’ll give a run down of the first book and some tidbits of the books after....(mental not to myself, review one book at a time, but it was so good I couldn’t help myself....lol)

Zoe is your regular 29 year old that lives a day to day life that has no excitement. She lives alone with her cat and has a best friend Sunny who is totally her opposite Sunny. Sunny. Sunny drags Zoe out of her bed for a night out to met Sunny s new official “boy friend”. Reluctantly Zoe heads out for a simple night that end in her down fall. On her way home, Zoe is attacked by a dangerous man and is left for dead. Zoe waits up in a ambulance and is scared shitless. She unbinds herself and heads for the hills. Confused and tired Zoe comes upon Adam Razor. Adam takes in Zoe into his home to cares for her. As she is in a deep sleep Zoe goes through a transformation that Adam has witnessed.

Zoe awakes to see that she is no longer the women she once was. Zoe is unable to make any sense of this transformation. She is no longer able to go back to her old life for she has been buried by her loved ones.

As Adam and Zoe live together, Zoe comes to realizes that she has not only changed her appearance but she also feels different. Zoe feels an unexplainable energy that submerges on its own through out her body. Adam and Zoe try to gain any information that lead up to her attack and works to gain understanding of the after. Adam and Zoe become best friends and creates a bond that will be tested through out their story.

When Adam is called to work in Congito, Zoe slips out under Adams protective eye and heads out to sightsee. While Zoe is taking a break in a local bar, she meets Justus De Gradi, a man who seems to have every female begging to be the one to leave with him. Justus is a babe magnet and cant seem to turn it off. Zoe realizes she is the only one not drooling over him. Justus engages Zoe and reviles to her that she is a Mage. A being that houses and froster energy and light. This brings Zoe closer to knowing who she is and what will become of her. Justus offers Zoe the one opportunity to come with him as his student- “Leaner” to help protect and teach her the way of their kind, for Justus is also a Mage. Zoe shared this information with Adam. During a heated evening ,Adam realizes and painfully agrees that Zoe should be placed in Justus care. This is the only way she’ll gain any part of a normal life. So he and she thinks.

Justus decides that he will help Zoe through her transition as her Ghuardian. Justus must present Zoe to the Mergeri,(Higher order of law among Mage. It's a body of government that oversees the Councils which run individual territories) When present to the “Mageri” they allow Zoe to remain with Justus until her Creator comes to claim her, for her creator holds her faith and future unto him, until then Justus will be Zoe’s Guardian and will revisit the Mageri in six months time to see how well Zoe has progressed as a learner and what special power she will have specific to her. Zoe fears for that day never to come for the man that killed her that fatal night is her Creator.

Zoe realizes quickly when entering the world of the Mages that she has much to learn and understand. Zoe and Justus learn to live together while Justus works on protecting and teaching Zoe to defend her self form others that might want to destroy her. “Juicers” are those Mage that are renegades and go against the laws that the Breeds have been accustom of following. They steal light from other Mage for it give them a rush of sharing or taking the other light from young, weak or unprotect Mage. For Zoe is a “learner” and learners are like children unable to protect themselves until they have developed their powers and then released from their “Ghuardian” protect and teach.

Zoe is not allowed to step out side of her protect home and feels bored and striped of her independents, but soon Justus has a visiter that lightens up the Justus house hold and sets Zoe on flames. Simon.

Simon is Justus most trusted friend and the lighter side of him. Zoe through Simon learns the more sensual and empowering ways of the Mage. They share a moment that sets Zoe in fire but is quickly extinguished, but their relationship remains that of flirting and he as her protector as well.

Soon enough, the fun with Simon and the teaching of Justus is at a stand still when Samil, Zoe’s Creator comes to collect her. Zoe is in fear and Justus has no claim to her at this point. Samil has claimed not to know of Zoe where abouts and wants his right too Zoe. The Mergeri conclude that Zoe will be returned to her Creator and is officially presented the the Mergeri. Zoe will no longer be called by her earth name but by “Silver” the name of Samil choosing. The Margeri hands over Zoe to Samil. Samil is not what he seems in front of the Margeri and become deadly when Zoe is taking back to his home. Samil has a secret of his own.

While under Samil ‘s so called care a unknown Maga comes and visits Silver and steals her light to a point of near death. Silver is treated like an animal is once again she is brutally attack for several days and almost raped. Cant this girl get a break!

During this time she is befriend by a Shifter, named Finn, who was sold to Samil by his father. Finn Shares information with Silver about those who are also imprisoned. Sliver quickly learns that Samil is breeding Mage for reasons unknown to her.
She learns in that dark place that she has gained a new power. But she is to weak to use it, for her light is being drained daily. She is able to make connect with her true Ghuardian though the “Gray Veil” and place in the in-between where only those who have shared Justus light can visit. Simon is brought into the Gray Veil and they plan for her escape. When they are successful and Samil is contain. Justus helps Silver back to recovery. Justus and Simon has a plan that involves a challenge to keep Silver with them and not in the hands of her abuser. The “challenge” that will have the loser lose their light and work to regain their strength over time. The Victory will gain the loser light for that time, increasing their power.

A challenger must fight for Silver to gain Silvers freedom from Samil, but who, no one has step forward. Justus and Simon call upon Adam, Silvers only true friend to stand up to that challenge.

Their life's are for ever changed.

Silver is now released from the clutches of Samil and is now in the caring hands of Justus her Ghuardian, Simon and Adam her trusted friends. Silver is still not safe for she is still learning what she truly is and is become a “unique” a Mage with special gifts and skill she must keep to herself.

Through out the books you learn more of Simon and why he is so important for his skills and cunning planning. You see him in calm and in his most dangerous.

You met Logan, a Chitah who is hired to capture Sliver and is now her most desired male in her life. You see her face her fears about trusting her heart to a male and not just any male for this male is her worst enemy and can kill her at any given moment but is also the one person that can capture her heart. Logan is bonded to the raw connection that he can not run from for its not in his build. (read these books and you’ll see what I mean)

Justus, the most loving father yet never shares emotion or words to her student but will lay down his life her. You learn why he is so cold and disconnect and how that sorrow binds Silver and him together as family

Simon, her friend and confidant, he is forever indulging and is amused with her presents but truly wishes for her to be free and live in the glory of who Silver is. He too, hold ghost in his closet that he is not yet ready to reveal.

Sunny, her only female friend Silver has to trust, while Silver lives in a world of males who want to kill her, love her or steal her.

Christian, who is sworn to protect her but somehow doesn't know how to feels about her. Could it be the protection of a brother he offers or something more?

Sunny’s “boy friend” Marco is back from the past along with his own personal reasons who also has a history with Justus, oh boy, just you wait!

Novis, a member of the Mageri, who is intrigued by Silver and has high hopes for what she is and what she’ll become.

Nero, the master of crazy, a non stoping Mage out to concur the world one Mage at a time. Willing to cut throats and bring Breeds and Humans to ash who dare step in his path to start a war like no being has ever seen.

Adam who loves Silver enough to let her go, who shares in her humanity and is over-ally protective of Silver. He was lost then, found and then is lost again in his endless search for peace. Adam, chasing his past and finding that there is more to his life then that he lead and how its all coming full circle. What discussion will be made of him?

Finn, looking to gain a life that was taking from him, that he no longer knows how to live in the mortal world. Who is now learning to be free and live free, where will his journey take him?

Silver once a timid insure woman who has transformed in a woman she always wanted to be yet still immature in her new life. Its as if she’s a young teenager learning life lessons, but these life lessons are in a world that will destroy her humanity and make her challenge the ways of the old and try to make changes that she at times doesn't understand the reasons they are so.

And there are some many more characters that I’v grown to love and hate.You would think that you would get lost in each one’s story but you don’t. Each book gives you the right amount of information to keep your reading and wanting to know more and uncover every one secrets.

I really enjoyed these books. They are written in a way that captures our attention and is not overdrawn in sex. Its really good story that makes you think of a second chance in life, finding love worth fight, the belief in one thing that would make you fight for and fire to make you stand up for your self and not just be. That is what Silver is tying to achieve.

Cant wait for book four that releases May 17th!. Thanks goodness the wait isn't to long!