A review by anetq
Færdig med Eddy Bellegueule by Édouard Louis


I heard the artist live today, which only reinforced the strengths of the cultural and social analysis of class and shame that is the core of this book. And while he was talking about [b:Forvandlingens metode|63909588|Forvandlingens metode|Édouard Louis|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1669997327l/63909588._SX50_.jpg|92733825] AKA [b:Changer: méthode|58866741|Changer méthode|Édouard Louis|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1630047576l/58866741._SX50_.jpg|92733825] his points about 'sociological divorce', was from the childhood described in 'Eddy'. There was also some very interesting points about the freedom to choose and not be judged: If you are from the lower classes and 'make it' you are not allowed melancholy (you're just complaining) and authenticity being deemed 'the things you do not choose for yourself' - the things you copy from your background, family & culture... Whereas the things you choose for yourself: other types of culture, music, people, ways of behaving is deemed to be imitation and inauthentic - when it is not, what you copied from your parents, but chose for yourself...