A review by jessschira
Only Scandal Will Do by Jenna Jaxon

The book doesn’t start out like a typical romance. This one starts out with a kidnapping and slave auction which than leads to antics, love, and a variety of shenanigans.

The great thing about the book is that it felt fresh and interesting. Both main characters have amazing chemistry and it was interesting to read about them falling in love. Jenna Jaxon has a lovely writing voice that keeps the reader engage.

The biggest downside to this story is that there are sections where the story dragged a little and a few places where Katarina and her brother Jack felt inconsistent. Another problem, and that’s totally on me, is that there are certain aspects of the storyline that bother me even though I know they’re historically accurate. I think it’s a combination of my current mood and a recent conversation with a different author.

Katarina’s brother irritated me. I don’t like whiny passive aggressive types in real life and I don’t like the in fiction. I did love Mathews and hope Jaxon has plans to write a story about him.
If you’re looking for something just a little bit different that’s well written and sexy, you’ll enjoy Only Scandal Will do.