A review by lizaroo71
The Lost Dogs: Michael Vick's Dogs and Their Tale of Rescue and Redemption by Jim Gorant


Dogs of any kind warm my heart. I have five at home - one that is seventeen and still going strong. So the first twenty pages or so found me flinching and questioning whether I should go on reading this one. I am glad I stuck with it.

The opening chapters describe the horrific violence these dogs have to endure at the hands of their tormentors and it just breaks your heart. But the real story is about how the dogs prevail and heal. Their spirits aren't broken and they show humans that you can move forward after facing the worst of violence and deprivation.

There is a resilience to the dogs that I have seen in my own pups. We have had many dogs over the years and also rescued several that we adopted out. My husband, I joke, is a dog whisperer, because dogs are drawn to him without fear. I have seen the difference it makes if a person takes the time to love a dog and show it the good side of human behavior. The rewards are so welcoming because that dog will love unconditionally.

This is a tribute to both the people that fostered the dogs and rehabilitated them so that they can go on to live a more comfortable life; but it is about the dogs and how they are not broken by the darkness of life at the Bad Newz Kennels (the name Vick adopted for his dog fighting enterprise). It will break your heart, but it makes sure to put the pieces all back in place and then give you a hug.