A review by kelleemoye
The Vanishing Island by Barry Wolverton


Full review at: http://www.unleashingreaders.com/?p=6563

Whoa! Quite a book! Part swashbuckling adventure, part historical fiction, part folklore, part fantasy, part ghost story, Barry Wolverton has given us quite an intense adventure. I couldn't predict anything that happened in the book. There were twists and turns throughout, and I never knew who to trust (though I am happy to say my favorite sailor was trustworthy). There were some really gruesome parts (blood and guts and vomit) and there were some really beautiful fairy tales. Overall, quite an adventure!
Fans of Charlotte Doyle, Emerald Atlas, The Graveyard Book, or The Dungeoneers are going to truly enjoy this one. (Though I warn: by gruesome, I mean gruesome!)