A review by mikkin
American Dirt by Jeanine Cummins

Did not finish book. Stopped at 12%.


This book is a romance thriller told from an Americans perspective.

I hope the controversy surrounding this book does one thing, raise Latinx authors.

If you are refusing to read this book I am asking you to now go by a book by a Latinx author. Show the publishing companies that you want more publicity and wage equality and opportunity equality for these authors and you will accomplish this by buying their books, ordering advanced review copies, or pre-ordering and refusing to buy American Dirt.

If you are intrigued by the controversy then read the book! I will never tell you not to read a book because someone else tells you it's bad, honestly, you're only going to know if you don't like it if you read it. After you read it, buy a book by a Latinx author and compare them do not let this book finish your opinion of Mexico or of immigrants because as many pointed out it is riddled with stereotypes and research flaws.

This book has the potential to be an opportunity to shine a light on literature that many Americans have not been aware of previously due to publishing flaws. Let it be that bridge because we cannot erase the fact that the author got a seven-figure salary or that Oprah is endorsing it but we can ride this wave of controversy say hey these Latinx authors are my favorite you should read their books!

I hope every review, good or bad, ends in a recommendation to read a book from the Latinx community because really they are the ones suffering from the publishing industry.

Books that I really enjoyed last year by Latinx authors are;
Gods of Jade and Shadow- by Silvia Moreno-Garcia
Dominicana- Angie Cruz

What are some of your recommendations?