A review by ceena
We Told Six Lies by Victoria Scott


*I voluntarily read and reviewed an ARC of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.*

2.5 stars

This book didn't work for me. I was able to read through it, but I was never invested. Part of the problem might be because it is told in first person which is harder for me to get into. And not all of the book is told in first person either so, there is that. I'm also not big on unreliable narrators and for most of the book we don't know if we can trust was Corbain remembers.

The thing is, I do like guessing and thinking about who could possibly be the bad guy, but none of our suspects seem remotely guilty or have anything to suggest they are.I mean, I ended up being right... even though I was wrong which I will say is the one thing this book really has going for it. There is a huge twist at the end that I didn't see coming. Totally out of left field. This might also be because all the times Corbain does search for clues it feels awkward and blunt which may be because the Then chapters were written more wistfully and felt very different.

There is so much going on in this story, but it is all in the background while Corbain and Molly's relationship and her disappearance are at the forefront. Their relationship by the way is completely unhealthy. Actually, every single relationship in this book is unhealthy. No wonder the teens in this book are so messed up! But how destructive their relationship is makes it so difficult to root for them.

With the end of the book I felt like one problem was solved, but honestly a whole bag of worms still needed to be dealt with.
Would I recommend this book? I don't know. I wouldn't tell someone not to read it, but I don't plan on pushing it towards anyone either.