A review by ombudsman
Gallery of Clouds by Rachel Eisendrath


“Here is one experience of refraction through layers. Think of the hour before the sun goes down and the light glows with unaccountable beauty, so golden and warm. Suddenly, everyone on the city street is for a moment transfigured, resurrected as an angel version of herself; even the indifferent office buildings appear as though newly arisen in the heavenly city, their mute concrete blocks suddenly rendered as soft and effulgent as the shingled feathers of Gabriel's wing, and every passerby with her shopping bags glows like Mary when, eyes cast down, she receives the news that God will condescend to an earthly form through her mortal body- all because the sun, as it slips down toward the horizon, is shining through the zillions and zillions of zooming atoms that constitute the layers of earthly atmosphere and pollution.”