A review by hidinginstacks
Wonder Woman: Earth One Vol. 2 by Grant Morrison



Even Yanick's art couldn't save this volume. I...

Where do I begin?

I wasn't too fond of the first volume because it seems very...sexualized. Unnecessarily so. & it seems amped up to an alarming degree in Volume 2. I guess this could be more on Yanick's part, since he is the artist. But like, yo. I don't need weird sexy Wonder Woman parts being fully exaggerated when there's no need to. Like why is her mouth hanging open half the time?

Anyway, the story. Atrocious. Nazi mind control, let's go invade Themyscira and kill Hippolyta! It all did not seem to be very cohesive. I know this is supposed to be a nod to/retelling of Diana's origin story, too. But it seemed to take all of the elements of the comics of the past and threw them together with no real understanding of WHY Wonder Woman was seen as a pivotal feminist figure. It was just...weird. Reading Grant's stuff, I'm usually impressed. This WW is not my favorite at all.

Beautiful art, of course, but this wasn't my cup of tea. Don't think I'll finish out this series too quickly.