A review by usbsticky
Best Kept Secret by Jeffrey Archer


I think I enjoyed book 1 the most. This is a series that is centered around Harry Clifton (an illegitimate son of the scion of a British shipping company) and the Barrington family. The early books dealt with his childhood. This 3rd book deals mostly with his son Sebastian, who he had with Emma, who's possibly his half-sister.

In this book, I think the big story is Pedro Martinez who is a rich Argentine criminal who tries to get Sebastian to bring the Thinker bronze sculpture into Britain. And the sculpture happens to have £8M in counterfeit £5 notes hidden in it. The whole series runs together so I'm not really sure exactly what's in each book - there are several plot lines as each member of the Barrington family gets some ink.

I'm not a fan of elements of conflicts or antagonists because I think they limit the plot to the bad guy doing something bad to the family and then the family ultimately prevailing.

Anyway, I like the series because the writing is really easy to read and follow and the characters are mostly likeable.