A review by sandygx260
Romeo Redeemed by Stacey Jay


When this book first started, I wasn't sure I'd like it. Due to the library's allure, I have this dreadful habit of reading books by the same author too close together. I call the habit dreadful because soooooometimes the author's voice becomes too intrusive, too familiar.

It seemed like the case here. I plunged in and found myself shaking my head in "oh no, here we go again" annoyance.

But Jay is a an agile writer. Just when you fear the story is sinking into the mud, Jay performs a magical back flip and saves the story. She lands on her words and sprints toward the finish line. Let's go with another cliche; she pulls her ass out of the mud! Wait, is that a cliche?

No matter, "Romeo Redeemed" is charming and, I hope, the end to Jay's Romeo and Juliet remake. She tied off the loose ends. Explanations are performed, and the main characters receive happy endings.

A third book in the series would be nonsensical and unnecessary. In fact, to me the two books read like Jay wrote them as one huge book before she broke them into two books.

Again, no matter. Nice job, Stacey Jay.