A review by bookishnicole
Level 2 by Lenore Appelhans


This is one book that I had been really looking forward too and I really loved it. I loved this totally new concept of the underworld being a place that you could connect into the net and relive your memories or those of other people on the net. When someone rents your memories, you get credits that you can use to get other peoples memories, and so the cycle continues.

I loved how that whole net worked, that it was something that I think YA readers will be able to relate to. I really liked Felicia, the only time she got on my nerves was when she would go on and on about how important Neil was to her. It may have been more helpful to understand the seriousness of their relationship at the beginning of the book, but I can also understand why that was revealed to us later.

One of the great techniques used in this book was being able to use the memories to look back on what happened in Felicia's life that made her feel that she was unworthy of Neil and his supreme-self. I also liked that we kinda got to know who Julian was gradually through the book. I wasn't sure how I really felt about him and the pending love triangle that might happen.

I did feel a little gyped at the end with the big confrontation scene, but I wont elaborate past that. There were a lot of interesting other characters that I'm hoping we learn more about in book two.

Side note: I was so bummed that I got caught in the rain with this book and it got totally destroyed.