A review by mehsi
Deep-Water Drama by Katie Wood, Janet Gurtler


3.5 stars. I received this book from Netgalley in exchange of an honest review.

Only later did I find out this book actually combines 3 books in one, and that this is kind of a sequel.

Luckily, you don’t need to have read the other books to know what is happening in this story, sure, at times it is a bit confusing, but the girls and the story quickly explain previous events so that the only thing you are missing is the fact you weren’t there when it all happened. :)

This book combines 3 books in the Mermaid Kingdom series: Shyanna’s Wish, Rachel’s Worry, and Cora’s Mystery. So each of the girls get to tell a story, and they do go chronologically. As in Rachel’s Worry, Shyanna has her legs (which she got in her story), and with Cora’s Mystery we get events from Rachel’s Worry. I really like that this was done, the stories are all different, but all fit together in one big thing.

The characters were great, though I have to say my favourite girl would be Shyanna, though I found it a bit of an insult they called her Shy instead of her full name. I get it, nickname, but to call someone Shy?

Each of the story feature something of a worry or a concern happening to the girls. In the first story, Shyanna is worried people will not care or will forget about her birthday since it coincides with a special day in the kingdom. In Rachel’s Worry, she worries about her friend Owen, why is he so distant? And in Cora’s Mystery we meet Cora and how a stolen mascot is cause for concern.

Of course, each problem or worry gets solved in a lovely manner, and I really enjoyed reading the solutions, or seeing what happens in the end with all their troubles, mysteries or worries.

I also loved how the girls were described, that combined with gorgeous illustrations, made the girls come to life. And not only them, but also their world, their rules, their kingdom, their families, everything. I could just imagine them going on land and have a good day out, always having the worry though that they might be late, might be discovered. But still having fun, and still going on shore even with all that.

All in all, I did like the stories, though I have to say that Cora’s story was my least favourite.

I would recommend this book to people, it is a fun book to read, and if you love mermaids you will just love this book.

Review first posted at http://twirlingbookprincess.com/