A review by cadiva
Blind Passion by Penny Brandon



I liked a lot about this book but I had a couple of niggles, which may not bother anyone else, which meant I've rounded down to 3.5 rather than 4.

My biggest niggle was that Luke 'read' a lot older than his 22 years and the timeframe for all that had happened to him didn't quite appear to add up.

Now, as this is set in Australia, it may be that school age/college/apprenticeships are slightly different to here in the UK so I'm just going with the flow. I think if he'd just been a couple of years older it would have felt more believable.

My other niggle is a bit of a spoiler which I don't want to tag as it would give away a big plot element but, for me, while beautifully written, it felt out of place in a contemporary romance.

However, that aside, I thought the way the author approached Adam's blindness and how he developed feelings for Luke was brilliantly done and I adored the relationship between them and the emotionally driven way they began to trust and rely on each other.

#ARC kindly received from the author in return for an honest and unbiased review.