A review by bamahnken
The Nix, by Nathan Hill


I received an ARC of The Nix at BookCon 2016. The Nix by Nathan Hill is like a playground for a reader. There are so many different writing styles interwoven into the story which in a book that clocks in slightly over 600 pages is definitely refreshing. Each chapter focuses on a particular character's point of view and through different writing styles they all have a very unique voice that develops them further than if it was just their story plainly written.

The Nix addresses everything from intense political climate, online gaming addiction, child (sexual) abuse and it's long term effects, to the effect parents have on our lives long term. It is done in such a way that makes it a fun, great read. Though it is a hefty book I never felt like it was a chore to read, there was never an unbearable point that I found hard to get through. The Nix by Nathan Hill was a very smooth, enjoyable ride. 5/5stars