A review by briarrose1021
The Lemonade Crime by Jacqueline Davies


School has started. Even though it's the start of a new school year, neither Jessie nor Evan have forgotten about Scott stealing the $208 from their Lemonade stands. To make matters worse, Scott has the brand new XBox 20/20, which isn't even available in the States yet. According to Scott, he bought it with his own money, but just where did he get that money? Jessie is determined to make Scott own up to stealing the money and finally get in trouble for something that he does, since he seems to get away with everything. But just how does she plan to do this?

By putting Scott on trial.

With everyone in their fourth grade class involved, will the truth come out or will Scott get away with something else? And will Evan lose all of his friends, now that Scott has a new XBos 20/20 for all the kids to play?

Though this book wasn't as long as The Lemonade War, it was still a great story. And I loved that it served to draw that story to a close. As with The Lemonade War, each chapter started with a new word and its definition - all of which were associated with trials and legal justice. If you read and enjoyed The Lemonade War, you will also like The Lemonade Crime.

I especially liked how it dealt with the concept of fairness, and how fairness intersected the different aspects of the plot. I also liked how we got to see several characters at their best and their worst, and we got to learn a little more about some of the side characters. And that ending? That was a good ending, all the way around.

I definitely want to read more books in this series, because I am really enjoying them. I definitely like seeing how Jessie is growing and learning a lot by virtue of being in the fourth grade with her brother, and around kids who are older than her. It's providing a lot of challenges for her, and she is trying to rise to the occasion.