A review by smartie_chan
Touch of Magic by Stella Rainbow


3.5/5 Stars

Fun fact: I bought his book, through it on my endless TBR and forgot all about it until I learned that the sequel had aces and vampires.
I was told that it is possible to read book 2 without the knowledge of 1, but I was also told, that it's not reccommanded to do so.

So yeah, what did I think about this one? Well, it's a hit or miss, I think.

When I first started, I couldn't - for the life of me - get along with the writing style. It's very telling, very repetetive and very not-me. There are parts of this book where I was kinda liking it and parts where I was just really frustrated overall. I usually don't DNF books, so giving up wasn't an option. Especially since I DID like the characters. So I forced myself through the beginning that seemed like I would never end, until I reached a point - don't ask me when that point was - where I wasn't minding the style as much.
I'm getting book 2, so I guess I didn't hate it as much as I'm claiming, but boy, was this book making it hard for me.
TO BE FAIR, I've forced myself to read, even though my depression was being a very loud bitch in the back of my mind, so there's a chance, that my depression made the experience worse, as in, the style isn't mindblowing, but it's probably way more okay than I'm giving it credit.

I voiced my complaints first, because those were the only things that bothered me, really.
The book is VERY sweet and wholesome.
Yes, there was past emotional-abuse and toxic housholds, that get a mini-subplot and yes, Jai is ill, but that didn't stop the book from making the romance the most healthy, cute thing I've read in a while.
Good Communication? Sexy Consent? AND Believable Romantic Attraction? More likly than you think.

This book features another trope I love (or hate, depends): Soul Mates. You see, I tend to love Soul Mates, but sometimes I hate them. Because Soul-Mates are not excuse for Insta-Lust-Love things to happen. Gimme believable attraction, gimme pining, gimme fluff. Don't gimme: We have to date because.
They do get together fast, but it didn't feel rushed at all. Because they just work.
I saw people complain about the spice level and to you, who it may concern, I have to kindly and politly say: Fuck you.
Don't take this from me! Most of the times I'm forced to read about twitching banana's and pages apon pages of smut that serves no purpose to the story what-so-ever. And it's refreshing to read about to people who's love isn't determined by their capability to have sex or nah.
The book never tried to be a smut-filled-smut-fest to beginn with. The tone is very clear and if this doesn't sound like something you might enjoy: Don't read it. It's that simple.

Someone get's kidnapped at the end and honestly, I LOVE the way this was executed. I'm tired of the "We-have-to-force-drama-into-this-book-in-the-last-few-pages" trope that I've had to read in so many other romance books. Sometimes a book can just be cute and fluffy and amazing. And that's ok.
Do I wish the emotional abuse subplot should have gotten more attention? Yes. But it's fine. The sub-plot has a good enough ending - and there's sequels too - so I'm satisfied.

So yeah, to summ my review up: I reccomand this book to everyone who's into Contemporary Slice of Life Romance.