A review by mlongmore
The Science Delusion: Freeing the Spirit of Enquiry by Rupert Sheldrake


Modus Operandi of Rupert Sheldrake:

1. Make a few bog-standard, simplistic, 1st-year philosophy of science critiques, pick yourself some easy targets like the cretinous Dawkins et al. Slay a few strawmen and refute a few of the 'unassailable' experts.

2. Cherry-pick a few papers, pump out non-sequiturs with gusto.

3. Announce your own bat-shit theory and unceremoniously squeeze yourself in to the newly-occupied niche of 'expert'.

Dawkins, the 'New Athiests' and their internet fan-club are certainly worthy of critique. The ideology of Science, and the reality of technology and science as actually practiced in 21st-Century capitalism urgently needs to be attacked. Unfortunately Sheldrake isn't up to the task :(