A review by saluki
Darkfever by Karen Marie Moning


Where to start with how much I love this book without giving much away?

MacKayle Lane, a small-town all-American sunshine and rainbows girl, finds her very ordinary life turned upside-down as she pursues the killer of her sister Alina. She's so pink and fluffy that she can't even swear... kiss my petunia! And, fudge-buckets? I arrest my case. That is the only thing that narks me throughout the book. If you mean ass just say it already! Moving on...

Darkfever is set in Dublin and centered around The Temple District. Mac first encounters Shades when she gets lost in the abandoned Dark Zone, areas humans no longer acknowledge or map. Mac soon discovers Seelie and Unseelie Fae and other gruesome creatures are alive and well as they expand their territory while destroying humanity. The different personalities and gifts of each caste of Fae comes with many complications. Mac is innocent and naive and it will take a lot of learning, courage, or just dumb luck, to fight these supernatural creatures. I like that Mac has a massive learning-curve ahead and she is not an instant kick-petuniaass character.

The storyline is great. There's no let-up. No paragraph is redundant. Mac's investigation and her need to understand every bizarre aspect of this new dark existence is complicated by her relationship with the enigmatic Jericho Barrons. A blunt, terse, no-nonsense man of few words who is hiding secrets but is looking for the same Dark Hallows object as Mac. It's an unlikely team pairing and fun to read their exasperation toward each other. Mac is a Barbie at the beginning and Barrons is definitely not a Ken. Still, this is not a romance. Mac is coming to terms with what and who she is among these supernatural characters who are repulsive evil specimens that bode ill for humanity.

Lots of action. Reading the next book... now!