A review by jekutree
Fury Max: My War Gone By by Garth Ennis, Goran Parlov


Fury My War Gone by is among Ennis’s best work. This is his thesis on war and the mentality of a Solider. It’s my favorite he’s done in the MAX universe (read everything he’s done except Punisher The Platoon) and he writes Nick Fury as a pretty three dimensional and interesting character.

The main plot of this book is Nick Fury’s journey through 4 different wars over the course of about 40 years. The book develops his relationships with various side characters that are also well explored in my opinion. The side cast and how Fury interacts with them is one of my favorite parts of this book. Nick Fury’s addiction to war is a central theme of the book and one that’s explored in great detail. This book also highlights the political side of war and how grimy it is pretty well. One of the main characters is a congressman that gets slimier as the book goes on, his negative progression is one of my favorite parts of the book. You really start to hate that guy. Nick Fury is a thoroughly unhappy character, and that’s never been more apparent here. He does what he does because he really does like it, but I get the expression he doesn’t want to like it. He struggles to open up and he struggles to maintain meaningful relationships. Those are definitely my favorite parts of the book, but the exploration of war is really mature and another strong point of the book.

Goran Parlov and Lee Loughridge do an EXCELLENT job aging these characters over this 40 year old span and the art in this book is gritty in a good way. Parlov is a great sequential artist. He portrays action and expression really well creating a really engaging story. Loughridge is also an important member of the creative team. His colors are really captivating and he really knows when to use certain colors to keep your eye on the page.

Fury My War Gone By has the entire creative team firing on all cylinders. There isn’t too much negative to say, but I did find some of the overly political scenes to be kind of a slog. That’s really easy to overlook though when the rest of the book is so damn good.
