A review by appletonkelli
Like Water for Chocolate by Laura Esquivel



That was.....different.

Okay the good; the writing style is unusual and engaging. The format of a diary/cookbook adds a depth to the story line that was sorely needed in light of what a sad and sorry tale it was.

It reminded me of Love in the Time of Cholera. This is not a compliment since I despise that book with an intensity that is unrivaled. Okay, mostly unrivaled. It might be rivaled by the self absorbed, horny obsession in Love in the Time of Cholera and it might even be rivaled by the self absorbed, horny obsession in Like Water for Chocolate.

Everyone in this book is lusting after something they would be better off without. Even the good people are lusting after something.And they are all ruining innocent lives with their selfishness. Except for the aunt from America. I actually liked her character. Too bad she was only in the book for a couple of paragraphs. And I liked the doctor even if he was a fool. And I like the cook who raised Tita. I pretty much disliked everyone else.