A review by bookly68
Shadowed by Despair by Candace Robinson


I love this trilogy from the Laith world. Every book is sooo good, but I have to say this one is my FAVORITE...I LOVED IT!!!!!!

Perin’s story begins so tragic. But he meets up with Tavarra and it becomes not just an awesome adventure story, but a wonderful romance!!!

Tavarra stays by Perin’s side through his journey to find his cure from being a zombie. The love Tavarra shows, staying by his side helping him with his need to feed and fighting to find the cure, it’s so moving and I was completely wrapped up in it. The world in this book is incredible, with all the creatures and challenges it holds. The book is definitely a hard one to put down, I read it in less than 24 hrs. I’m sad the Laith world series Is over, but I know the author has many more great books to come!!!!

From the first book I read by Candace Robinson I fell in love with her stories. I haven’t missed one since. She has grown so much as a writer. She’s had a gift right from book one, but that gift has truly grown and blossomed. I look forward to reading many more books by her.